At Rockseed school complex, admissions requirements are designed for the pupils to fewer difficulties during its formation. Thus, the conditions are divided into three main components which are:


     For the former pupils of the Complex, the re-registration records are open directly at the end of the school year. The re-registration deadline is September 15, 2022. Because the limit per class is set to thirty (40) pupils maximum, after that date, no places will be guaranteed for former pupils.



The test without recruitment is reserved only for kindergarten. This recruitment is done by file deposit is constituted as follows:

1- File Composition

- Copy of birth certificate (legalized)

- Two passport photos

- A health book

- A cardboard folder

2- Age Requirements

                        - Little section: 3 - 4 years

                    - Middle Section: 4 - 5 years

                    - High section: 5 - 6 years


All new pupils in primary and secondary must do the  recruitment test and obtain the required average for admission.


       a.The folder

- A request to the Director General

- A copy of his Birth (legalized)

For pupils from other schools, must be added

- A certificate of the last school year level

- A school report or a report card (2018-2019)

Recruitment test fee : 2000 F XOF

     b. Age Conditions

- CP: 6-7 years          - CE1: 8-9 years            - CM1: 10 to 11 years

- CP1: 6-7 years        - CE2: 9 to 10 years      - CM2: 11-12 years

                              - CP2: 7-8 years


                             a.The folder

- A request to the Director General;

- Copy of birth certificate (legalized);

- A certificate of the last school year level;

- School reports or a mark summary (2021-2022);

To this must be added:

For the 6ème Class admission

- A report card of the CM2 class;

- The proof of admission to the CEP session 2022.

For the passage in 2nde

- The proof of admission to the BEPC 2022 session.

Recruitment test fee : 2000 F XOF

        b. Age Conditions

- 6ème : Being born later than 2009 <13 years

- 5ème : Being born later than 2008 <14 years

- 4ème : Being born later than 2007 <15 years

- 3ème : Being born later than 2006 <16 years

- 2nde  : Being born later than 2005 <17 years

- 1ère   : Being born later than 2004 <18 years

                              - Tle     : Being born later than 2003  <19 years


For more information admission tests! Click here