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The Primary School of School Complex Rockseed is bilingual (French - English) and provides an exceptional learning environment for these pupils full of energy and desire to learn.

It includes six regulatory classes but also a Combined Preparatory Course system (CP) wich commbine CP1 class and CP2 class in one school year!


CP        CP1       CP2       CE1      CE2     CM1     CM2 ( Full Success - 96.55% at 2022 CEP Exam Session )

Results of ROCKSEED school complex at 2022 exams sessions :

  • CEP : 96.55 %

  • BEPC : 96 %

  • BAC D : 90.91 %

General Secondary School

First cycle: 6ème – 5ème – 4ème – 3ème

(96% candiates admitted at BEPC

exam session 2022)


Second cycle:  – 2ndeC – 1ère D – Tle A – Tle D

(90.91% candiates admitted at Baccalaureat exam session 2022)

Secondary School Pupils Boarding plan :

Externship (Mixed)

Half boarding (Mixed) (Students enrolled in the canteen)

Internship (boys only)